-- Title: Brocade Registration MIB, Version v5.0
-- This is specified based on SMIv2, mainly to ensure that the specification
-- can be parsed easily by off-the-shelf network management product in
-- the market.
-- The goal of this mib is to access all the Brocade Enterprise products.
-- This mib file contains the generic textual conventions of Brocade's product.

                FROM RFC1155-SMI;

 -- bcsiGlobalRegModule MODULE-IDENTITY
 --   LAST-UPDATED "0210030000Z"
 --   ORGANIZATION "Brocade Communications Systems, Inc.,"
 --   CONTACT-INFO "Customer Support Group
 --               Brocade Communications Systems,
 --               1745 Technology Drive,
 --               San Jose, CA 95110 U.S.A
 --               Tel: +1-408-392-6061
 --               Fax: +1-408-392-6656
 --               Email: support@Brocade.COM
 --               WEB: www.brocade.com"
 --   DESCRIPTION       "The MIB module is for Brocade's Central Repository of
 --               all OIDs for an enterprise. Thus any group within Brocade
 --              looking to add a new product specific MIB need only look
 --             at Brocade tree for the new MIB module.
 --            Copyright (c) 1996-2002 Brocade Communications Systems, Inc.
 --                      All rights reserved."
 --   REVISION  "0301131430Z" Jan 13, 2003 2:30pm
 --   DESCRIPTION       "The initial version of this module."
 -- ::= { bcsiModules 1 }

  bcsi          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { enterprises 1588 }
  -- bcsi           OBJECT-IDENTITY
  --    STATUS  current
  --    DESCRIPTION   "The Root of the OID sub-tree assigned to Brocade by
  --                   the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA)."
  --    ::=     { enterprises 1588 }

  -- Product Lines or Generic Product information
  --  { bcsi 1 } is reserved

  commDev       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { bcsi 2 } -- communication devices
  -- commDev        OBJECT-IDENTITY
  --   STATUS  current
  --  DESCRIPTION   "The root OID sub-tree for Communication
  --                Devices of Brocade."
  --  ::= { bcsi 2 }

  fibrechannel  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { commDev 1 }
  -- fibrechannel       OBJECT-IDENTITY
  --    STATUS  current
  --  DESCRIPTION   "The root OID sub-tree for Fibre Channel
  --                   Devices of Brocade."
  -- ::= { commDev 1 }

  fcSwitch OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fibrechannel 1 }
  --    STATUS  current
  --    DESCRIPTION   "The root OID sub-tree for Fibre Channel
  --                   Switches of Brocade."
  --    ::=     { fibrechannel 1 }

  bcsiReg       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { bcsi 3 }
  -- bcsiReg        OBJECT-IDENTITY
  --    STATUS  current
  --    DESCRIPTION   "The root OID sub-tree for Brocade Global Registry."
  -- ::= { bcsi 3 }

  bcsiModules   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { bcsiReg 1 }
  -- bcsiModules        OBJECT-IDENTITY
  --    STATUS  current
  --    DESCRIPTION   "The root OID sub-tree for Brocade Mib Modules."
  -- ::= { bcsiReg 1 }


      FROM Brocade-REG-MIB
      FROM SNMPv2-TC
        Integer32, MODULE-IDENTITY
      FROM SNMPv2-SMI;

    LAST-UPDATED "0210030000Z"
    ORGANIZATION "Brocade Communications Systems, Inc.,"
    CONTACT-INFO "Customer Support Group
                  Brocade Communications Systems,
                  1745 Technology Drive,
                  San Jose, CA 95110 U.S.A
                  Tel: +1-408-392-6061
                  Fax: +1-408-392-6656
                  Email: support@Brocade.COM
                  WEB: www.brocade.com"

    DESCRIPTION "The MIB module contains all shared textual conventions
                 for Brocade specific MIBs.
                 Copyright (c) 1996-2002 Brocade Communications Systems, Inc.
                                 All rights reserved."
    REVISION    "0301131430Z" -- Jan 13, 2003 2:30pm
    DESCRIPTION "The initial version of this module."
    ::= { bcsiModules 2 }

  -- additional textual conventions

  FcWwn         ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION          
     STATUS  current
     DESCRIPTION   "The World Wide Name (WWN) of Brocade's 
                    specific products and ports."

  SwDomainIndex         ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
     STATUS  current
     DESCRIPTION   "The Fibre Channel domain ID of the switch."
     SYNTAX  Integer32 (1..239)

  SwNbIndex         ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
     STATUS  current
     DESCRIPTION   "Index of the neighbour ISL entry."
     SYNTAX  Integer32 (1..2048)

  SwSensorIndex         ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
     STATUS  current
     DESCRIPTION   "Index of the Sensor entry."
     SYNTAX  Integer32 (1..1024)

  SwPortIndex           ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
     STATUS  current
     DESCRIPTION   "Index of the Port start from 1 upto Maximum
                    number of ports of the Brocade Switch."
     SYNTAX  Integer32

  SwTrunkMaster         ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
     STATUS  current
     DESCRIPTION   "Index of the Trunk Master start from 1 upto Maximum
                    number of trunk groups of Brocade Switch."
     SYNTAX  Integer32